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  • Anhangá


    Anhangá in the Amazon Forest mythology is a spirit that protects animals from hunters and tends to appear as a white deer with red eyes.

    Music - Fuga Z - Duo Scofano-Minetti -

  • Birds & Cage UIRAPURU

    Birds & Cage UIRAPURU

    The Uirapuru is an Ecoperformance that aims to bring attention to the extinction crisis of bird populations globally.

  • Mother Earth Perdona - English subtitles

    Mother Earth Perdona - English subtitles

    My hope is to inspire passion and compassion for the Earth and all the life that inhabits our planet. And invite people to take responsibility for the thriving of Mother Earth.

  • Sweet River (Rio Doce)

    Sweet River (Rio Doce)

    Our intention with this project was to denounce the worst ecological disasters. And call the viewer to action through a positive message.

    Ecoperformance in collaboration with Wild Orchid Aerial Arts, Travis Puntarelli, UpFolks, Allana Cutler, Amy Burrell, and James C. Kelly.

“The fundamental aspect of Video is not the image, even though you can stand in amazement at what can be done electronically, it’s how images can be manipulated and the really extraordinary creative possibilities. “

Bill Viola - American Video Artist.”